Cooka foldable cooktop
Cooka foldable cooktop
With emerging technologies we have already seen some home appliances like refrigerators and toasters changed into multimedia centers or microwave ovens with vatiety of new functions.Cooka foldable cooktop is one of the additions to these coolest gadgets.This cool device is gonna be an amazing addition to your trendy kitchen. The distinguish design of Cooka makes it look like a table mat.You can easil fold it up and stow it away till the next cooking session. The temperature ranges,as defined by the company,is -60 degrees Celsius to 280 degrees Celsius.
Basically, with the Cooka you wouldn't need a traditional cooker anymore, saving a lot of space in your kitchen, Moreover, another advantage of this foldable cooktop would be the fact that it's easier to clean than an ordinary cooker.It is still an idea and lets see when and how it enters into the production stage.